Hi! I'm Katherine O'Loghlen and I'm the face behind Apostrophe Design.
Having an apostrophe in my name has always been slightly challenging, one of those small inherited things that causes problems - just like you often find in existing spaces. But studying interior design made me realise it’s those little challenges that often bring out the most creative and unique solutions. The more difficult the problem, the more creative the solution! So I decided to embrace that apostrophe: that detail that makes a difference, that space in between.
Because that's how I like to think of interior design - it's that space in between problem-solving and solutions. Between architecture and styling. Between logic and creativity, ambition and pragmatism, curves and lines, empty and full. It's that little space where the magic can happen, for those details that make a difference.
Let's meet for a coffee, no obligations, to discuss your project. I speak English, French and Dutch and can offer advice on:
- how to get the most out of your space
- how to create the kind of atmosphere you want in your home, your business or working environment
- solving those niggling problems of circulation or functionality
- designing custom furniture or storage
I welcome all enquiries, small or big.
Contact details: katherine@apostrophe-design.be | +32 473 944 025
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